Now Sundays are supposed to be the day to be lazy that's why we will not explain in great details what our Lazy Sunday bonus is all about, we truly think below numbers speak for themselves. Enjoy :)

On today's Sunday, 2015-04-12, you will receive 10% more bonus with each following deposit over 50€, up to 60% bonus and with a maximum of 200€ bonus for each deposit:

- 10% bonus for your first deposit of at least 50€

- 20% bonus for your second deposit of at least 50€

- 30% bonus for your third deposit of at least 50€

- 40% bonus for your fourth deposit of at least 50€

- 50% bonus for your fifth deposit of at least 50€

- 60% bonus for your sixth deposit of at least 50€

That's a bonus event to be happy about!